Site Credits
Photo by Ian Livesey from StockSnap
The Basics
- Github, Jekyll, Poole
Start with the Poole for setting up a basic site. When in doubt, you may refere to the Jekyll and Github Pages documentation:
The official Jekyll website.
Github Pages documentation with Jekyll.
Fulltext Search on Jekyll site
Image gallery. Try a without plugin approach of adding an image gallery. While there, try other features.
The inspiration to do a blog on github pages came to me while I was exploring markdown. As of Dec 2015, I get inspired by a very informative blog by Ben Balter that uses Jekyll + Github Pages.
There are some gotchas that one has to be aware of when setting up the site. I had trouble with baseurl
config setting when not using custom domain. Came across a Jekyll issue comment on how to serve on localhost. The following should allow the render on localhost without affecting the relative URLs of the posts:
$ jekyll serve --baseurl ''
If you want to serve ‘drafts’ on localhost, then you may try the following:
$ jekyll serve --watch --drafts --baseurl ''
Photographs: For royalty free photographs, you may use Pexels, Unsplash, StockSnap and others.
Last update: Aug 2024