
Preparing User & Help Guides with Markdown

If you are preparing user and help guides in Microsoft Word or other document formats then you should think about preparing them in Markdown and serve them as web page or PDF.

User and Help Guides that are served via a website in HTML format are great for two reasons:

  • ease of use for the users to review in a browser; offers an easy way to navigate the guides
  • provides flexibility and control for the

Writing and publishing user guides using Markdown is a great way to streamline your user guide preparation workflow. Here is a sample workflow for preparing user guides in Markdown:

  • write the guide(s) in markdown using a simple text editor
  • preview the HTML versions on local machine (using a Browser extension to preview markdown)
  • prepare HTML pages for publishing
  • publish the user guides:
    • publish HTML to a local server (or provide all the markdown files to the users that they can review using a browser extension)
    • prepare guides in PDF and deliver the PDF

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